

Artist Bio

In my childhood, everything was overwhelming. Unable to understand, I tried to cope. I now find myself, a young woman, living at the intersection of sex, trauma, and violence – a landscape I am all too familiar with. I am intimately acquainted with the inevitable suffering of the femme body—a body that can never truly be owned by its inhabitant. As an artist, I channel my pain into art, displaying and transforming memories, reminiscing, and abstracting them. 

Relatively innocuous events become grounds for a challenge when re-lived under knowing eyes and a lingering gaze. In the delicate interplay of memory, trauma, and the multifaceted dimensions of femme identity, I delve into childhood memories, recently the surreal tapestry of birthday parties, and the enduring impact of the ogling of women and children. Lost vibrancy, replaced by ghosted objects serving only to reflect and home videos as forgotten memory. These memories inevitably confront the adult reality of experiences and the tangled way one is made participant. 

Using play and pleasure as activism, I explore sculpture, installation, and performance, transforming thoughts and flashbacks into a renewed physicality that cannot lie and will never hurt me.